Welcome you !

Assam Forum welcomes you to the online platform of global Assamese community to discuss, view and share content of interest to our community

Important forum rules

  • Forum rules and posting guidelines
    • Keep the core value of Assamese values of respect and love to fellow members.
    • Be courteous and respectful. Appreciate that others may have an opinion different from yours.
    • Stay on topic and do not spam.
    • Share your knowledge. Share your thoughts.
    • Refrain from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior and speech.


Staff member

Important Forum Rules : Please Read & Follow​

Welcome to Assam Forum! To ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for all members, we kindly ask you to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Respect Others: Treat all members with respect and courtesy. Do not engage in personal attacks, harassment, or disrespectful behavior towards others.
  2. Stay on Topic: Keep discussions relevant to the forum's theme, which is focused on topics related to Assam, its culture, traditions, and current affairs.
  3. No Hate Speech: Hate speech, discrimination, or any form of bigotry will not be tolerated. This includes racism, sexism, homophobia, and religious intolerance.
  4. Be Civil: Maintain a civil tone in your interactions. Disagreements are acceptable, but do so respectfully and constructively. Avoid inflammatory language or trolling.
  5. No Spamming: Do not spam the forum with irrelevant or repetitive content, advertisements, or promotions. This includes excessive self-promotion and affiliate links.
  6. Respect Privacy: Do not share personal information about yourself or others without consent. Respect the privacy of fellow members.
  7. No Illegal Content: Do not post or share any illegal or copyrighted material. This includes pirated software, illegal downloads, or any content that violates intellectual property rights.
  8. Use Appropriate Language: Keep language clean and appropriate for all audiences. Avoid profanity, vulgarity, or explicit content.
  9. Report Violations: If you encounter any violations of these rules, please report them to the moderators. Do not engage in vigilante behavior.
  10. Follow Moderator Instructions: Follow the instructions of forum moderators. Their role is to ensure the forum runs smoothly and in accordance with these rules.
Violation of these rules may result in warnings, temporary suspensions, or permanent bans from the forum, depending on the severity of the offense and the discretion of the moderators.

By participating in Assam Forum, you agree to abide by these rules and contribute positively to our community.

Thank you for your cooperation!
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